Professional Prayer Practitioner Studies
Prerequisite: Advanced Spiritual Living
In this course of study, you will learn the necessary skills for working with clients and the application of spiritual principles in human conditions through expanded use of affirmative prayer. Students deepen their role of selfless service to our spiritual community and hone the consciousness of a healing presence. Successful completion of this 30 week course with written and oral exams culminates in licensing as a Professional Prayer Practitioner (RScP) with Centers for Spiritual Living.
Term One Textbooks:
How to Use the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Practitioner Code, to be provided
Term Two Textbooks:
The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
Creative Mind and Success by Ernest Holmes
Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth
Undefended Love by Jett Psaris and Marlena S. Lyons
Creating Health by Deepak Chopra
Who Dies?: An Investigation of Conscious Living and Conscious Dying by Stephen and Ondrea Levine
Term Three:
Review. No additional textbooks.